As an Entrant

As an Entrant

Information submitted will be used by Concours at Wynn Las Vegas throughout the show.

Once you submit your application, please allow thirty days for a reply. Thank you.

ENTRY DEADLINE: September 1, 2025

The exhibition field will celebrate the pillars of Concours d'Elegance, Artistry, Speed, and Hypercars and Supercars.

In 2025, we will highlight the following special automobiles:

Judged Classes

Gatsby Era Vehicle

The Big Mercedes - 125-Year Anniversary

European Super Cars Pre-1985

Women Owned and Driven

The 90th Anniversary of Jaguar

Specialty and Exhibition Classes for 2025

Japanese Street Cars

Speed: Celebrating 75 Years of Formula One

Anyone can submit an Entry Application on behalf of their car, but not all cars can be accepted. All Entry Applications must be received before September 1, 2025. The Selection Committee will then be forming classes and inviting those eligible to participate in the 2025 show, in writing, on or before September 15, 2025. Please keep in mind that any car that has been an Award Winner, especially Best of Show, in any other National or International Concours Event has the highest priority for being accepted. In addition, a car that is unique, rare, previously unseen or with a fresh restoration will also receive preferential acceptance. Cars that have won Best in Class or Best of Show in any previous Las Vegas Concours are not eligible to participate again for three (3) years from the date of such award.

Please make sure to submit complete and exact information. Information submitted will be used by the Las Vegas Concours at Wynn throughout the show. Entry forms should be submitted online via email or the below form. If you wish to register and provide photos via email, send to:

To submit by mail (non-preferred method), please mail the completed form (DOWNLOAD HERE) with up to six color glossy photos to: Las Vegas Concours at Wynn, 3131 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, NV 89109.


Vehicle Information
(e.g. 1966)
(of Chassis, e.g. Ferrari)
(if applicable)
(e.g. V12, 2998cc)
Has the car been restored? If yes, please answer the following.
(Paint, exterior, interior, completely?)
Was the car modified from original? If so, please answer the following.
(period modification)
(historically significant points (prior owners and date of purchase.)
(e.g. Josephine Collecktor 1936 Mercedes-Benz 540K)
Vehicle Handling and Transportation
Release of Liability